Keyword: Abuse

European Parliament: Written answer to Question E-002402/24: New evidence of breaches of EU law during transport of Irish calves

Question: Anja Hazekamp (The Left). Answer: Mr Várhelyi on behalf of the European Commission

Published in 2025

A member of the European Parliament has reported serious breaches of the rules governing the transport of unweaned calves from Ireland to Europe, including falsified documents and unsuitable conditions. The Commission, concerned by these practices, is following up the case, and the Irish authorities have launched an investigation into the assembly center involved.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Bovines

Key words:Animal trade, Pain, Euthanasia, Ill-treatment, Transport

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European Parliament: Written answer to Question E-002112/24: Serious concerns regarding animal cruelty during animal transport in Austria

Question: Anja Hazekamp (The Left). Answer: Mr Varhelyi on behalf of the European Commission

Published in 2025

An MEP sheds light on two recent cases of animal cruelty during transport in Austria. The Commission points out that Member States must apply EU rules, and that new, stricter rules governing exports are currently under discussion.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Bovines

Keywords:Animal trade, Pain, Education, Ill-treatment, Mutilation, Transport

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Assemblée nationale : réponse écrite à la question n°788 : Interpellation sur les soirées illégales de l’Aquarium de Paris

Question: Mrs Danielle Simonnet Paris (15th district) - Écologiste et Social. Answer: Ministry of Ecological Transition, Energy, Climate and Risk Prevention

Published in 2024

Question from a member of parliament concerning illegal party nights at the Paris Aquarium, contrary to the 2021 law banning the presentation of animals in nightclubs. The Ministry informs us that the Paris Departmental Directorate for the Protection of Populations is examining the case to ensure compliance with the law.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Fish

Key words:Abuse, Fear, Stress

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Neutralisation techniques used by defendants charged with animal welfare offences in Finland

Valtonen E, Hänninen L, Valros A, Koskela T.

Published in 2024

Study showing that defendants accused of criminal behavior against animals often invoke personal or financial difficulties to justify themselves, while breeders frequently challenge standards and authorities when accused of offenses against their animals. These differences underline the need to adapt control, support and prevention strategies for each type of crime.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: All animals

Key words:Abuse

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European Parliament: written answer to Question E-001843/2024: Banning chick culling in the EU

Question: Pascal Arimont (PPE). Answer: Mrs Kyriakides on behalf of the European Commission

Published in 2024

Question from an MEP to the European Commission on the culling of day-old male chicks in some Member States, despite the existence of in-ovo sexing technologies and answer from the Commission stating that it is examining this issue on the basis of EFSA Opinions and impact studies, with a view to including a harmonized ban in forthcoming legislation on animal welfare.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Poultry

Key words:Pain, Euthanasia, Abuse, Prenatal

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Assemblée nationale : réponse écrite à la question n°495 : Maltraitance animale dans les DROM-COM

Question: Mme Maud Petit (Les Démocrates - Val-de-Marne (4th district)). Answer: Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry.

Published in 2024

A Member of Parliament alerts the Minister for Overseas France to the mistreatment of stray animals in the Drom-Com. In response, the government announced the implementation of a plan to improve the management of animal straying, strengthen synergies between local players and support associations. Legislative measures and awareness-raising campaigns are planned to combat animal abandonment and abuse.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Canines, Felines

Key words:Abandonment, Adoption, Education, Population management, Abuse

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National Assembly: written answer to question n°1282: Animal torture on the islands of Reunion and Mayotte

Question: Mme Béatrice Roullaud Seine-et-Marne (6th district) - Rassemblement National. Answer: Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry

Published in 2024

Answer from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry to a question from a Member of Parliament concerning the measures the Government intends to take against acts of animal torture committed on the islands of Reunion and Mayotte

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Canines, Felines

Key words:Abandonment, Adoption, Education, Population management, Abuse

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Regulation on the protection of animals during transport and related Regulation on the protection of animals during transport and related operations - Summary of public feedback received after adoption of the proposal

Council of the European Union

Published in 2024

Results of public consultation with over 5,000 responses following the proposal to update the European regulation on the transport of live animals in 2023. The majority of citizens support stricter measures, such as a ban on shipping and long-distance transport, and a shift towards transporting meat rather than live animals. Opinions differ between NGOs, which call for shorter journeys, and the farming industry, which is concerned about the proposed limitations.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Bovines, Caprines, Equines, Ovines, Porcines, Poultry

Keywords:Animal trade, Social issues, Abuse, Stress, Transportation

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The Welfare of Dogs and Cats in the European Union: A Gap Analysis of the Current Legal Framework

Contalbrigo, L.; Normando, S.; Bassan, E.; Mutinelli, F.

Published in 2024

Analytical article raising the issue of pet welfare not covered by European legislation, such as ethical breeding, sales, transport and end-of-life care. It concludes that a transdisciplinary approach and better education in responsible pet ownership are essential to improve pet protection via a harmonized legal framework.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Canines, Felines

Keywords:Abandonment, Adoption, Castration, Euthanasia, End of life, Abuse, Living environment, One Welfare, Spaying, Aging, Animal trade

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Mémoire de thèse : Le Conseil National de l’Alimentation et ses missions en matière de bien-être animal, l’exemple du Comité National d’Éthique des Abattoirs

Maximilien Bailly

Published in 2024

Dissertation examining the role and evolution of the Conseil national de l'alimentation (CNA) and its management of the Comité national d'éthique des abattoirs (CNEAb), which deals with topics related to animal protection and abattoir ethics in a context of societal crisis. The CNEAb, initially a temporary body, has been made permanent, becoming a unique forum in Europe for constructive debate on animal protection, particularly in connection with the revision of the European regulations on animal transport.

Document Types: Technical work

Animal categories: Bovines, Caprines, Ovines, Porcines, Poultry

Keywords: Carcass quality, Euthanasia, Abuse,Animal trade, Transport, Societal issues

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