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Sénat : Proposition de loi « Pour un élevage éthique, socialement juste et soucieux du bien-être animal »

By January 21, 2020June 8th, 2021No Comments

Publication type : parliamentary bill registered with the Senate Presidency on 21 January 2020

Covers slaughter and transport in general, pig slaughter and rearing (prohibition of castration without anaesthetic and tail docking of piglets, and of C02 for stunning purposes); poultry rearing and slaughter (an end to the rearing of laying hens by 31/12/2025, prohibition of the crushing of male chicks and female ducklings); rabbit farming (ban on the cage system by 31/12/2025); access to the open air for animals (compulsory access by 31/12/2025); and a moratorium on intensive farming (with a final ban by 31/12/2025).

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From the French Senate website