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Maîtrise du piétin : étude des freins et motivations en élevage ovin viande de Haute-Vienne (Vienne et du Lot)

By March 11, 2020November 23rd, 2020No Comments

Document type: Thesis for the degree of veterinary doctor, available on the Idele website.

Author: Elise Souil

Summary : Foot rot is a contagious bacterial foot disease in sheep. It is a widespread disease, which causes infringements to animal welfare, reductions in performance, and heavy economic losses. Various means of control are widely used by breeders, with very mixed results.

The aim of this research was to provide a survey of the current knowledge, attitudes and actions of sheep farmers with regard to foot rot. Thirty qualitative surveys were carried out in the French sheep farming areas of Haute-Vienne and Lot.

The results indicate a good knowledge in farmers of both the disease, the associated risk factors and the available means of control.

The problem seems to lie in a mismatch between the proposed control measures and conditions for their implementation. The various conclusions of this work, which should be interpreted as trends, will serve as a basis for the development of communication strategies to improve planning for foot-rot control in France.    

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