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L’essentiel sur la proposition de loi pour un élevage éthique, juste socialement et soucieux du bien-être animal

By May 12th 2021May 31st, 2021No Comments

Document type : Document published by the FrenchSenate's Committee on Economic Affairs

Authors: Sophie Primat, Marie-Christine Chauvin and the French Senate's Economic Affairs Committee

Preview: The aim of Bill 530 (2020-2021) is to strike a balance between the needs of farmers and efforts to improve farming conditions. While the committee shares the philosophy and objectives of the bill in certain respects, i.e. to seek to achieve  better farming conditions while taking into account constraints on farmers and without further stigmatising them, for example by creating a support fund, it disagrees with the means chosen to achieve this objective, considering in particular that a European-wide project is the most appropriate, allowing the avoidance of certain secondary effects.

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From the French Senate website