Document type : Order AGRG2134169A made by the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Authors: Bruno Ferreira, Valérie Baduel
Summary: Persons affected: Farmers, employers and agricultural employees involved in animal welfare training nominated by the managers of pig or poultry farms and referred to as "animal welfare" advisors in the following Order.
Subject : (1) Specification of the procedures for nominating "animal welfare" advisors in all farms, as provided for in Article R. 214-17 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code; (2) Specification of the and requirement and conditions for training "animal welfare" advisors in pig or poultry farms.
Entry into force: the decree enters into force on the day following its publication in the Journal Officiel.
Notice: this decree establishes, on the one hand, the procedures for appointing "animal welfare" advisors in all farms and, on the other hand, the training programme to be followed by "animal welfare" advisors in pig and poultry farms. It demonstrates the acquisition of animal welfare knowledge by the trained persons. Every 7 years, the advisor must update his or her knowledge of respectful livestock farming practices.
References: this order can be consulted on the Légifrance website. pdf version
Order being the subject of articles in:
- Ouest France on 29 December 2021: Bien-être animal : un référent dédié, obligatoire en 2022 dans tous les élevages
- Sud Ouest on 29 December 2021: Bien-être animal : une formation obligatoire dans les élevages de volailles et de porcs