Document type : Announcement of a distance-learning conference to be run by the ECPRD
Author: Valérie Noriega
Date and time: Friday 28 January 2022, 9 - 5
Organisers: H. Kassoul, M-C Lasserre, G. Leray
Presentation: The ECPRD conference will be studying animal law through the particular prism of legal processes. Because animals are not themselves subjects of law, they are treated differently in different processes. These differences lead to a dual status where animals are just a part of certain processes (divorce, civil enforcement etc.) while they are the sole concern of others (criminal law, animal experimentation etc.).
A little over 150 years after the Grammont Act, which is generally taken to be the first animal protection law, a further law has been added to the body of animal rights legislation in France with the passing of Act No. 2021-1539 on 30 November 2021 to combat animal abuse and strengthen the bond between animals and humans. Animal welfare is a growing concern in our society to which the law is not indifferent.
Link to programme
Link to registration website