Document type: Announcement of a mixed seminar (face-to-face and distance learning) organised by Agreeniumand the Chaire Bien-Être Animal fromVetAgroSup
Date: Thursday 5 May, 9.00 - 16.40
Location: VetAgro Sup, 1 avenue Bourgelat, 69280 Marcy l'Etoile. Sessions can be joined remotely except for workshops
Registrationrequired (free)
Programme: 9.30 am: Welcome - Mireille Bossy [Director General of VetAgro Sup].
9.45am: Animal welfare in livestock farming: where do we stand? Overview of societal expectations and changes in farming practices - Alain Boissy [National Reference Centre for Animal Welfare], Yannick Ramonet [RMT One Welfare], Agathe Gignoux [CIWF France]
10:30: Assessing and certifying animal welfare: current practices in relation to conceptual and methodological frameworks
1. Reports of personal experiences: poultry and cattle sectors - Laura Warin [ITAVI], Christelle Demont [Interbev], Isabelle Veissier [Inrae]
2. Stakeholders' views
The agricultural profession with Mickaël Benoît [Farmer and COOPERL].
Official regulation and monitoring with Rabbah Bellahsene [Ain DDPP].
Distribution with Séverine Fontaine [Carrefour].
Consumer affairs with a representative of a consumer association
3. How can research respond to the move towards evidence-based animal welfare assessment and certification? A look at the construction of the standard and the label - Elsa Delanoue [Inter-Instituts], Aude Solveig Epstein [Université Paris Nanterre]
12.30 -14.00: Lunch
14:00: Building recognition for animal welfare practices and the economic, social and cultural valorisation of livestock food products [Workshops].
15h45 : Innovation and future animal welfare provision - Alban Thomas [Inrae], Christine Roguet [IFIP]
16h30 : Conclusion - Luc Mounier [VetAgro Sup - Chaire Bien-Être Animal].