Document type: Training announcement from Itavi
Content delivery lead: Jean-Marie FONTANET
Administrative and practical help : Nadine DUROCHAT
Download the registration form
Outcomes :
- To be accredited as a trainer for "animal welfare advisors in poultry farming"
- To be able to build and deliver a training course for the qualification of "animal welfare advisor in poultry farming"
- To know how to explain the basics of animal welfare
- To advise farmers on the arrangement of the living environment for their animals, on control of the environment and management of extreme temperatures in relation to animal welfare
- To teach how to identify an animal in good health
- To develop and communicate to farmers the core practices of disease prevention, criteria for health alerts and what to do in case of an alert
- To advise on the prevention and management of stress and pain during interventions on the farm
- To adapt and support the implementation of a sanitary decision tree and of technical on-farm slaughter methods
Target audience: Technicians / Veterinarians / Animal welfare consultants
Duration: 1 day or 7 hours
Speakers: Joanna LITT, Amandine MIKA, Mathilde STOMP, Laura WARIN - ITAVI engineers; Jocelyn MARGUERIE, Olivier SALANDRE - SNGTV veterinarians