Document type: Seminar announcement fromINRAE's Innovation joint research unit
Author : Innovation Joint Research Unit
Preview: INRAE'S Innovation joint research unit are the co-organizers of this event taking place on March 31 in Paris.
The conference forms part of the, "Éleveurs-tâcherons en abattoir, un double métier?"ELTAW2 research project.
In the context of the current profound questioning of livestock farming activities (with the revelation of abuse by militant groups and growing political interest in the banning of meat products, vegetarianism and veganism), and of an industry at risk (dwindling numbers of abattoirs in France, changes to working conditions), the ELTAW2 project aims to analyze how changes in working practices can affect the health of farmers involved in the creation and operation of cooperative abattoirs.
Like mobile abattoirs, this alternative to industrial slaughter calls into question the separation between farming and slaughter brought about by the industrialization of farming. It transforms the content of farmers' work with their animals, by making them responsible for the latter's slaughter and processing.
While these new cooperative structures meet ethical, economic and social requirements, offering a dignified death to animals, enabling farms to remain viable, and contributing to a local food supply chain, it is also important to examine their sustainability in terms of the health of the farmer-slaughterers. How do these two professions fit with each other from a work perspective? How does work in the slaughterhouse transform livestock work for farmers? And, conversely, how does farm work transform the way work is carried out in the abattoir? More broadly, how can slaughter work be rethought? And what place is occupied by the death of farm animals here in France and elsewhere, in other countries and cultures?
Download the complete program
Registration: Admission is free. However, for organisational reasons, we ask you to register with the secretary's office: Virginie Hervé - IPDT - 7 rue Clovis, Paris 5.