Document type : news item from Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty
Author: French Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty
Preview: Meteorologists agree that heat waves will become increasingly frequent, early, intense and long-lasting. Planning and preparation are therefore needed to deal with future heatwaves.
The French National Heatwave Plan, in operation since Summer 2003, has developed into a cross-departmental heatwave management plan that includes the livestock sector.
This plan includes a national information campaign targeting :
- professionals in livestock farming and companion animal breeders;
- animal transporters.
Its purpose is to enable owners to take preventive and management measures to ensure the welfare of animals in their charge, particularly in the event of a heat wave.
To act appropriately, animal keepers can consult :
The Ministry's advice sheet for pet owners pdf (accessible document) - 256.31 Ko
Itavi's advice sheet on laying hens pdf - 1.16 Mo
Interbev's advice sheet on animal transport pdf - 1.12 Mo
Itavi's advice sheet on broilers pdf - 1.14 Mb
IFIP's advice sheet (7, 10, 11, 12 and 13)
CNIEL's advice sheet on ventilation in dairy buildings pdf - 5.01 Mo
CNIEL's FAQ on dairy building adaptationr pdf - 2.3 Mo
CNIEL's strategic action plan on adapting dairy farm buildings to hot summer conditions