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Plan « vague de chaleur » : recommandations pour les éleveurs

ByJuly 7th 2023July 19th, 2023No Comments

Document type : news item from Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

Author: French Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

Preview: Meteorologists agree that heat waves will become increasingly frequent, early, intense and long-lasting. Planning and preparation are therefore needed to deal with future heatwaves.
The French National Heatwave Plan, in operation since Summer 2003, has developed into a cross-departmental heatwave management plan that includes the livestock sector.
This plan includes a national information campaign targeting :

  • professionals in livestock farming and companion animal breeders;
  • animal transporters.

Its purpose is to enable owners to take preventive and management measures to ensure the welfare of animals in their charge, particularly in the event of a heat wave.
To act appropriately, animal keepers can consult :
The Ministry's advice sheet for pet owners pdf (accessible document) - 256.31 Ko
Itavi's advice sheet on laying hens pdf - 1.16 Mo
Interbev's advice sheet on animal transport pdf - 1.12 Mo
Itavi's advice sheet on broilers pdf - 1.14 Mb
IFIP's advice sheet (7, 10, 11, 12 and 13)
CNIEL's advice sheet  on ventilation in dairy buildings pdf - 5.01 Mo
CNIEL's FAQ on dairy building adaptationr pdf - 2.3 Mo
CNIEL's strategic action plan on adapting dairy farm buildings to hot summer conditions

French Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty logo
From the website of the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty