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Seminars and trainingOne Welfare

Replay de webinaire One Welfare : comment explorer le concept ?

ByAugust 11, 2023September 6th, 2023No Comments

Document type : news feature from Idele on a webinar recording (1h11)

Authors: Xavier Boivin, Joffrey Beaujouan, Damien Cromer

Presentation: Animal husbandry is a complex task that is sometimes viewed through the prism of the farmers working activities and sometimes through the prism of animal behaviors and the biological, cognitive and sensorial systems that underly them. By combining  Ergonomics and Ethology in a single approach, One Welfare is intended to link, the theories and practices of these approaches to the human-animal-work relationship.
One Welfare is still a new concept, and the One Welfare network has set itself the task of exploring it so that it can be better defined and, in the future, measured.
As part of this process, this webinar allows three network partners to share their thoughts and joint work on the interactions between their respective disciplines, ethology and ergonomics, to gain a better understanding of how to bring the animal's point of view into dialogue with that of humans in the realm of farming practices.
A webinar to understand the importance of interdisciplinarity in scientific approaches to the One Welfare concept.

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