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Vivabilité du travail et bien-être animal : Journée Innovation, R&D, Développement et Conseil (IRD) sur les filières élevage en Occitanie le 11 février 2025

By February 3, 2025February 10th, 2025No Comments

Document type: training announcement published by theIdele

Author : Idele

Preview: The Occitanie Regional Chamber of Agriculture and the Institut de l'élevage are the co-organizers of the coming IRD Day to be held in Occitanie for the livestock industry on February 11, 2025. The day will focus on quality of life at work and animal welfare in livestock farming.
To register
[All sessions are in French]
Introduction to the 2025 IRD Livestock Day
Encouraging and supporting livestock farming start-ups
Taking work into account in advice and training
Workshops: Work, quality of life and animal welfare for livestock farmers
Workshop 1: Bringing a working team to life
Workshop 2: Tools and methods for supporting work
Workshop 3: Practical tips for improving organization and quality of life at work in livestock farming
Workshop 4: Organization of farms into short loops
Introduction: equipment, buildings and welfare in livestock farming
Workshops: Equipment in livestock farming to improve welfare: buildings and digital
Workshop 1: Ergonomics and farmer comfort in buildings
Workshop 2: Adapting livestock buildings to climate change
Workshop 3: Animal welfare
Workshop 4: Digital technology for farmers
Cost : €20 per person
Contact : Marie Boitelet - CRA Occitanie (

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