Animal category: other small companion animals

Animal Welfare Guidelines for International Development Organisations in the Global South

aul Ssuna, Andrew Crump, Karin Siegmund

Published in 2024

eScientific good practice review to improve consideration of animal welfare in development projects in developing countries. Good practices extend to the governance structures of development organizations, staff training and standard operating procedures relating to water, feed, housing, social isolation, enrichment, drainage and waste disposal, disease, invasive procedures, transport, slaughter, breed selection, record keeping, and monitoring and evaluation of results.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Canines, Felines, Exotic pets

Keywords:Societal issues, Population management, One Welfare, Human-animal relationship

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Considering the human-animal bond in developing One Health guidelines and standards for companion animals in humanitarian crises

Andrew O'Carroll, Carrie La Jeunesse, Lynn Lieberman Lawry

Published in 2024

Scientific article promoting "One Health" approaches to humanitarian crisis management to improve planning and preparation for the full range of disaster risks affecting humans, other animals and the environment when domestic animals and people are moved together.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Canines, Felines, Exotic pets

Key word:Societal issues, Population management, One Welfare

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Reptile expos: an analysis and recommendations for control

Clifford Warwick, Catrina Steedman, Mike Jessop, Rachel Grant

Published in 2024

Analysis of a survey of those involved in the trading or exhibition of reptiles in Europe and the United States. At least 10 animal welfare issues and 5 public health and safety issues identified in the survey lead its authors to conclude that the lack of monitoring and control at reptile shows, combined with their frequency, necessitate a ban on these events.

Document Types: Scientific review

Pet categories:NAC, Reptiles

Keywords:Abandonment, Adoption, Animal trade, Education, Ill-treatment, Pathogen transfer

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Bien-être animal : lancement du plan national pour améliorer le bien-être des animaux de compagnie

French Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

Published in 2024

Press release from the Ministry announcing the launch on May 22, 2024 of a national pet welfare plan. Based on awareness-raising and provision of information, this national plan aims to prevent and combat the abandonment and abuse of pets, and to improve the management of canine and feline strays.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Canines, Felines, Exotic pets

Keywords: Adoption,Abandonment, Human-animal relationship, Population management, Abuse

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National Assembly: written answer to question 1989: Financial situation of animal shelters

Question: Christophe Barthès (Rassemblement National - Aude). Answer: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

Published in 2024

Answer from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty to a member of parliament asking the State to grant financial help for animal shelters in the form of subsidies or tax benefits, for example by lowering employer contributions for employees.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories:Canine, Equine, Feline, other small companion animals

Key words:Abandonment, Adoption

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National Assembly: written answer to question n°15269: Pet abandonment and abuse

Question: Fabrice Brun (Les Républicains - Ardèche). Answer: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty.

Published in 2024

Answer to a question from a Member of Parliament asking the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty about the precise assessment of the improvements that the law on the abandonment of pets has been able to bring about and the concrete measures that the Government is planning to take in order to curb these abandonments and encourage animal welfare.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories:Canine, Equine, Feline, other small companion animals

Key words:Abandonment, Adoption, Abuse

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National Assembly: written reply to question n°12993: Measures to combat animal abandonment

Question: Boris Vallaud (Socialistes et apparentés - Landes). Answer: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

Published in 2024

Answer to a parliamentary question from a French Member of Parliament asking MASA about the measures planned by the Government to combat animal abandonment, such as awareness-raising, communication, and support for rescue associations and shelters.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories:Canine, Equine, Feline, other small companion animals

Key words:Abandonment, Adoption, Abuse

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European Parliament: written answer to Question E-002772/23: EU legislation on use of hazardous substances in electrical equipment: consequences for animal welfare and biodiversity conservation

Question: Gianna Gancia (ID). Answer: Mr Sinkevičius on behalf of the European Commission

Published in 2023

Answer to a question on the lack of regulation of heating spotlights emitting UV-A/B radiation, used for breeding and keeping exotic animals.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories:Wildlife, NAC, Reptiles

Keywords:Enrichment, Welfare indicators, Living environment, Stress

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European Parliament: written answer to question E-001634/23: Banning influencers from interacting or creating content with exotic animals

Question: Aurélia Beigneux (ID). Answer: Mr Sinkevičius on behalf of the European Commission

Published in 2023

Answer to a question on whether the EU intends to regulate the use of captive wild animals in influencer videos, a practice that goes against animal welfare and fuels trafficking in the species concerned.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories:Wildlife, other small companion animals

Keywords:Adaptation of the animal to the environment, Animal trade, Societal issues, Population management, Human-animal relationships

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Assemblée nationale : réponse écrite à la question n°7621 : Abandon d’animaux de compagnie à l’approche de l’été

Question: Alexandra Martin (Les Républicains - Alpes-Maritimes). Answer: French Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

Published in 2023

Written answer to a question asking what action the government plans to take to manage pet abandonment during the summer and what measures it intends to take to support shelters and animal protection societies.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Canines, Felines, Exotic pets

Keywords: Adoption,Abandonment, Human-animal relationships, Abuse, Population management, Societal issues

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