Keyword : Consciousness

Horses are worthy of care: Horse sector participants' attitudes towards animal sentience, welfare, and well-being

Julie M Fiedler, Margaret L Ayre, Sarah Rosanowski, Josh D Slater

Published in 2025

Analysis of surveys carried out among professionals in the equestrian sector, revealing widespread recognition of equine sentience (99.9% of respondents). Two themes emerge: sentience is a pathway to understanding the mental state, welfare and well-being of horses, and humans have a moral obligation to consider it.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Equines

Keywords: Animal mediation, Consciousness, Education, Human-animal relationship, Indicator of well-being,Working animals

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A consensus on the definition of positive animal welfare

Rault Jean-Loup, Bateson Melissa, Boissy Alain, Forkman Björn, Grinde Bjørn, Gygax Lorenz, Harfeld Jes Lynning, Hintze Sara, Keeling Linda J., Kostal Lubor, Lawrence Alistair B., Mendl Michael T., Miele Mara, Newberry Ruth C., Sandøe Peter, Špinka Marek, Taylor Alex H., Webb Laura E., Whalin Laura and Jensen Margit Bak

Published in 2025

Consensus on the definition of positive animal welfare

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: All animals

Keywords:Adaptation of the environment to the animal, Consciousness, Enrichment, Well-being indicator, Memory, Prenatal, Cognitive process, Evolutionary process

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Animaux d’élevage : prendre en compte leurs ressentis

Rachel Degrande, Juliette Cognié, Véronique Deiss, Angélique Favreau-Peigné, Valérie Fillon, Plotine Jardat, Christine Leterrier, Frédéric Lévy, Odile Petit, Freddie-Jeanne Richard

Published in 2024

Article exploring the evolution of the concept of animal welfare and the scientific basis for consideration of animals' cognitive and emotional capacities.

Document types: Technical Paper

Animal categories: Bovines, Caprines, Equines, Ovines, Porcines, Poultry

Key words:Adaptation of animal to environment, Adaptation of environment to animal, Animal-based measurement, Anxiety, Learning, Consciousness, Well-being indicator, Memory, Metacognition, Fear, Cognitive process, Stress, Behavioral disorders

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Apis mellifera welfare: definition and future directions

Formato Giovanni, Giannottu Elena, Roncoroni Cristina, Lorenzi Valentina, Brajon Giovanni

Published in 2024

Synthesis describing the essential role played the Apis mellifera bee in pollination and biodiversity and as a biomarker for environmental quality. Although they are often overlooked in terms of welfare, honey bees could be included in the five-domain model, which would recognize their capacity for emotional and the importance of defining and promoting practices to improve their welfare.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories:invertebrates, Insects

Keywords:Animal adaptation to the environment, Biodiversity, Consciousness, Pain, Education, Environment, Welfare indicators, Memory

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Impact of slaughter method on stress in organic common carp (Cyprinus carpio)

Łosiewicz B, Szudrowicz H.

Published in 2024

Study evaluating the impact of slaughter methods on carp stress, measured via biochemical blood parameters. The method recommended to reduce stress is percussion followed by destruction of the brain.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Fish

Keywords:Animal-based measurement, Consciousness, Pain, Euthanasia, Stress

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Abattage des bovins : contrôle de l’état de conscience et fluidité industrielle

Jourdan Félix

Published in 2024

Article exploring the tensions between the requirement in EC Regulation 1099/2009 to monitor the state of consciousness of cattle during slaughter, and the fluidity of the industrial process in abattoirs. It highlights the difficulties of implementation, particularly for ritual slaughter, and the strategies developed to reconcile regulatory requirements and productivity.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Bovines

Keywords:Animal-based measurement, Animal trade, Consciousness, Pain, Euthanasia, Brain integration, Stress

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Poultry Preslaughter Operations in Hot Environments: The Present Knowledge and the Next Steps Forward

Vieira FMC, Portugal MAG, de Borba LP, Angrecka S, Herbut P, Jongbo AO, De-Sousa KT, Deniz M.

Published in 2024

Overview of the challenges faced by the poultry industry. According to the authors, improving thermal management and logistics, particularly during pre-slaughter operations, is crucial to minimizing stress, injury and economic losses.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Poultry

Key words:Awareness, Carcass quality, Education, Pain, Stress, Transport

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Development of Welfare Protocols at Slaughter in Farmed Fish

Mercogliano, R., Avolio, A., Castiello, F., Ferrante, M.C.

Published in 2024

Study exploring gaps in fish protection during slaughter. Improved welfare protocols could not only reduce fish suffering, but also improve meat quality and positively influence consumer perception and the economics of aquaculture.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Fish

Key words:Awareness, Carcass quality, Education, Pain, Stress, Transport

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Near and Dear? If animal welfare concepts do not apply to species at a great phylogenetic distance from humans, what concepts might serve as alternatives?

Arndt SS, van der Staay FJ, Goerlich VC.

Published in 2024

Synthesis examining four possible guiding principles for the treatment of animals, both sentient and non-sentient, in light of their capacity to experience emotions. In particular, it proposes using the concept of animal integrity, potentially complemented by that of ecosystem integrity, while retaining current concepts of animal welfare for sentient species.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: All animals

Keywords:Biodiversity, Consciousness, Cognitive process, Evolutionary process, Human-animal relationship, Societal issues, Welfare indicators

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The complex affective and cognitive capacities of rats

Inbal Ben-Ami Bartal

Published in 2024

Article demonstrating that rats are not only able to feel fear, pain and anxiety, but are also capable of empathy. They show prosocial behaviors, helping fellow rats in distress, suggesting that they are capable of imagining the needs of others.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Rodents

Key words:Learning, Awareness, Memory, Cognitive processes

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