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Animal welfare initiatives

État d’avancement du Plan national sur le bien-être animal 2016-2020

By June 10, 2020July 7th, 2020No Comments

Document type: News from the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Preview: The French National Animal Welfare Plan 2016-2020 aims to put animal welfare back at the centre of animal husbandry and to move towards more sustainable practices. This overall strategy includes 20 actions divided into 5 themes. One of the plan's actions is to bring the latest advances into the public domain by establishing a system of indicators to monitor priority actions (action 20).

Thirty indicators to monitor actions have thus been developed, each with a target value. A four-colour traffic light system was created in order to monitor the progress of the 20 priority actions across the years, ranging from red for little or no progress to green for significant progress. It is therefore to be expected that the markers for 2016, when the French National Animal Welfare Plan was launched, are predominantly red and orange and the objective was to have as many green markers as possible by the end of the Plan in 2020.

French Ministry of Agriculture and Food logo
From the MAA website