Document type : News item from the IFCE
Author : IFCE
Preview: For each equine, users enter the scores for about thirty indicators, some observed directly from the animal (e.g., body condition score, emotional state, injuries) and some from its environment (e.g., daily fodder quantities, water cleanliness).
Results can then be viewed in the form of percentage graphs, where indicators are grouped under the 4 scientifically-recognised principles of animal welfare: Food, Housing, Health and Behaviour
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This application has been developed using the French Horse Welfare protocol, published by the IFCE on its website in 2020. The protocol was jointly produced by scientists from IFCE, INRAE and the University of Milan.
This protocol is based on the AWIN Horse protocol, developed as part of a European research project, for horses housed in loose boxes. A number of laboratory-based and field-based studies were carried out to validate this protocol and to incorporate the latest scientific information. [...]The application provides a better understanding of the state of the animal's welfare for each indicator - which are good and which can be improved. Where the scores show that one or more indicators can be improved, users can use the various tools in the app to help them either introduce new practices, or adapt or change existing practices. The welfare states of a group of horses can be tracked over time, groups can be compared, and the effects of changes in practice can be assessed.
Results can be added to the database on the IFCE's collaborative platform if users wish. The IFCE will then be able to use the database to produce statistics for selected time periods and categories (discipline, geographical location, age, etc.). This data will allow the IFCE to assess and track changes in the general state of welfare and to decide on the best way to communicate good practice at a given time in light of these.