Document type: Podcast of France Inter's La Terre au Carré (51 min)
Authors: Mathieu Vidard, Thierry Dupin, Valérie Ayestaray, Chantal Le Montagner, Lucie Sarfaty, Anna Massardier, Camille Crosnier Guests: Emilie Jeannin, Thomas Le Roux
Preview: To reduce the stress experienced by animals during transport to the abattoir, a cattle farmer has dreamed up a mobile abattoir set up in lorries.
Although animal welfare and factory-farming conditions are often brought up in debates, are we actually questioning our practices? What about the slaughter of animals, for example, which often travel for hours to get to the abattoir? What else can we do?
During a trip to Sweden in 2016, Emilie Jeannin discovered the mobile abattoir system in operation there.
By using converted lorries, we can allow cattle to avoid the stress of transport and to be slaughtered in the place where they have been raised. She tells us about her struggle to develop this new slaughter model in France.
Thomas Le Roux, a specialist in environmental history and the industrialisation of society, will review the history of abattoirs and the slaughtering of animals over the last few centuries.