Document type: Answer to question n°788 published in the Journal officiel de la République française on the website of the Assemblée nationale
Authors: question: Mrs Danielle Simonnet Paris (15th district) - Écologiste et Social. Answer: French Ministry of Ecological Transition, Energy, Climate and Risk Prevention
Question: Mme Danielle Simonnet alerts Mme la ministre de la transition écologique, de l'énergie, du climat et de la prévention des risques, to the illegal party events currently being held at the Paris Aquarium. Indeed, Law 2021-1539 of November 30, 2021 to combat animal abuse amends the Environment Code, which in Article L. 413-13-I states: "It is forbidden to present domestic or non-domestic animals in discotheques or nightclubs. For the application of the present law, a discotheque or nightclub is considered to be any enclosed place, or one to which access is restricted, whose primary purpose is to receive the public, even for private events, with a view to a gathering intended mainly for the broadcasting of music and dancing". Despite this law, the Aquarium de Paris continues to organize lucrative discotheques with animals on a regular basis. Fish are sentient beings, not decorative objects. She therefore asks what measures the Minister intends to take to enforce the law and prohibit these illegal parties at the Paris Aquarium.
Answer: As part of the implementation of French Law 2021-1539 of November 30, 2021 to combat animal abuse and strengthen the bond between animals and humans, it is forbidden to display domestic or non-domestic animals in discotheques and nightclubs. Article L. 413-13-1 takes aquatic animal species into consideration. The Direction Départementale de la Protection des Populations de Paris has been informed of the report concerning the organization of party events by the Aquarium de Paris, and is in charge of examining the case and the action to be taken.