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Housing and Enrichment

The Welfare Status of Hens in Different Housing Systems – A Review

By October 28th 2021January 18th, 2022No Comments

Document type : Scientific journal published in the Annals of Animal Science

Authors: Ewa Sosnówka-Czajka, Iwona Skomorucha, Eugeniusz Herbut

Preview: The currently used poultry farming methods, which aim to maximise economic profit, are based on ever new technological solutions that improve flock management and increase bird performance. However, they do not always meet the natural needs of birds. Every housing method and technological solution currently in use is faced with some issues, such as social stress, adverse temperature/ humidity conditions, risk of zoonoses, and behavioural pathologies, which determine poultry performance and welfare. Disregard for animal welfare involves not only ethical but also practical aspects, because well-being and housing comfort translate into better weight gains, health and productivity of the birds. The studies reported here suggest that every production system, despite the many welfare-improving aspects, causes numerous behavioural, productivity and health abnormalities in laying hens. Therefore, further research is needed to identify various risk factors for the purpose of improving housing systems and increasing the welfare of hens.

From the Annals of Animal Science website