Keyword: Aggression

Lighting quality evaluation on growth performance and feather pecking behavior of broilers

Chenghao Pan, Rong Xiang, Jinming Pan

Published in 2025

Study examining the effect of light color on the pecking behavior and growth of Youhuang broilers. Although light did not influence growth, the cold white light group showed more severe plumage damage and lower serotonin levels than the warm white or red light groups. Warm white light is recommended, as it is more user-friendly and limits pecking.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Poultry

Key words:Adaptation of environment to animal, Aggression, Aggressiveness, Animal-based measurement, Animal housing, Enrichment, Welfare indicator, Behavioral disorders

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Social networks of pregnant gilts during outdoor feeding and the effects on their offspring

Leandro Sabei, Marisol Parada Sarmiento, Cihan Çakmakçı, Sharacely de Souza Farias, Thiago Bernardino, Rosangela Poletto, Erika Alejandra Becerra Mendez, Beatriz Kaori, Adroaldo José Zanella

Published in 2024

Study examining the social dynamics of gilts through pregnancy in an outdoor system, analyzing their feeding and social behaviors, and the effects of these dynamics on the group and their offspring. Results show links between social rank, salivary cortisol levels and piglet weight, highlighting the importance of integrating social behavior into management and genetic selection practices to improve pig welfare.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Porcines

Keywords:Aggression, Aggressivity, Indicator of well-being, Lactation, Maternal, Personality, Prenatal, Socialization

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Review: The influence of light on pig welfare

A.J. Scaillierez, S.E. van Nieuwamerongen - de Koning, I.J.M.M. Boumans, P.P.J. van der Tol, E.A.M. Bokkers

Published in 2024

Scientific review examining the effects of light on pig welfare. The analysis examined 63 studies evaluating parameters such as daylight hours, light intensity and light spectrum. Although light influences aspects such as behavior, growth and hormone secretion, the conclusions that can be drawn are limited by contradictory results and a lack of data, particularly concerning the light spectrum.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Porcines

Keywords:Animal adaptation to environment, Aggression, Aggressivity, Welfare indicators, Housing

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Environmental Enrichment in Rabbit Husbandry: Comparative Impacts on Performance and Welfare

El-Sabrout K., Sherasiya A.; Ahmad S., Aggag S., Nannoni E., Cavallini D., Buonaiuto G.

Published in 2024

Summary article describing environmental stress and its negative impacts on rabbit welfare and productivity, causing disease and problem behavior. Environmental enrichment helps reduce this stress by meeting the natural behavioral needs of rabbits, thereby improving their welfare and performance.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories:Monogastric

Keywords:Adaptation of the environment to the animal, Aggression, Aggressiveness, Animal-based measurement, Enrichment, Welfare indicators, Housing, Stress, Behavioural disorders

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Evaluation of a scheme to identify risks for tail biting in pigs

D'Alessio RM, Mc Aloon CG, Correia-Gomes C, Hanlon A, O'Driscoll K

Published in 2024

Study evaluating a tail-biting risk assessment program on 27 pig farms. Results showed little correlation between management practices and tail-biting risk, despite identifying areas for improvement such as stocking density, enrichment provision and incidence of tail docking. The study underscores the need to improve the training of assessors. 

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Porcines

Keywords:Animal adaptation to the environment, Aggression, Aggressivity, Animal-based measurement, Animal housing, Housing, Mutilation, Carcass quality, Behavioral disorders

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Effects of different rooting materials on behaviour and welfare of finishing pigs

Ellen Marie Rosvold, Marko Ocepek, Inger Lise Andersen

Published in 2024

Scientific article comparing the effects of different foraging materials on pig behavior and welfare. The results suggest that straw and hay are highly valued by pigs compared with pellets, peat and sawdust, and that weekly rotation of materials provides the greatest stimulation. 

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Porcines

Key words:Adaptation of the environment to the animal, Aggression, Aggressiveness, Enrichment, Welfare indicators, Housing, Socialization, Behavioral disorders

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Behaviour and welfare assessment of autochthonous slow-growing rabbits: The role of housing systems

Laura Ozella, Stefano Sartore, Elisabetta Macchi, Isabella Manenti, Silvia Mioletti, Barbara Miniscalco, Riccardo Crosetto, Patrizia Ponzio, Edoardo Fiorilla, Cecilia Mugnai

Published in 2024

Scientific article evaluating the effect of three housing systems (traditional single cages, group farming and a mixed system) on the welfare of slow-growing rabbits. Group-housed rabbits exhibited a wider range of behaviors, but were also associated with higher levels of salivary and hair corticosterone indicating stress. Younger rabbits were more active while mature rabbits displayed more agonistic behaviors.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Keywords:Adaptation of the environment to the animal, Aggression, Aggressiveness, Animal-based measurement, Livestock buildings, Welfare indicators, Housing, Stress, Livestock system, Behavioral disorders

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Effects of different tooth grinding procedures on the occurrence of tooth injuries, skin lesions, performance and behaviour of suckling piglets

Franziska Anna kleine Kruthaup, Michaela Fels, Carolin Bernarda Timphaus, Fritjof Freise, Swetlana Herbrandt, Elisabeth große Beilage

Published in 2024

Scientific article analysing the impacts of teeth grinding techniques for piglets on piglet and sow lesions, and on the weight development and behavior of unweaned piglets. A diamond rolling head caused more dental pulp injuries than a tea cup roller. Roller grinding caused fewer head lesions in piglets than when teeth were left intact. Weight gain in piglets with tea cup-ground teeth was greater than for the two other groups. Where necessary, tooth grinding with a cup wheel is to be preferred.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Porcines

Key words:Aggression, Aggressiveness, Pain, Lactation, Maternal, Mutilation

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A field approach to observing changes in behavioural welfare indicators over 2 years in stabled horses

A. Ruet, J. Lemarchand, C. Briant, C. Arnould, L. Lansade

Published in 2024

Article describing behavioral variations in stabled horses at 2-year intervals. Among the welfare indicators observed at the individual level, aggressive behaviour towards humans increased, while resting postures decreased. Other observed behaviours (stereotypies, withdrawal, alert and observation postures) did not change significantly over time.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Equines

Keywords:Adaptation of the animal to the environment, Aggression, Aggressiveness, Animal-based measurement, Welfare indicator, Housing, Personality, Human-animal relationship, Behavioral disorders

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Burlap and buddies: the effects of social enrichment (preweaning mixing) and object enrichment (burlap) on piglet behavior and welfare in the postweaning environment

Ashlyn Scott, Arielle Le Heiget, Reyna Stefanson, Jamie Ahloy-Dallaire, Meagan King

Published in 2024

Scientific article demonstrating that early social enrichment encourages socialization with unfamiliar conspecifics during post-weaning, while object enrichment (burlap) allows pigs to divert their attention and limits aggressive behavior and the biting of conspecifics. Both types of enrichment can improve pig behavior and welfare after weaning.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Porcines

Keywords: Animal-based measurement, Adaptation of the environment to the animal, Aggression, Enrichment, Housing, Weaning, Socialization, Behavioural disorders, Welfare indicators, Aggression

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