Keyword: Socialization

Computational investigation of the social function of domestic cat facial signals

George Martvel, Lauren Scott, Brittany Florkiewicz, Anna Zamansky, Ilan Shimshoni & Teddy Lazebnik

Published in 2024

Study using CatFACS manual coding and facial cues automatically detected by AI to classify affiliative and non-affiliative interactions in cats. It shows that rapid facial mimicry is more frequent in affiliative contexts, particularly in ear movements. These results open up new perspectives on the analysis of facial signals and cat emotions using AI.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Felines

Keywords:Animal-based measurement, Socialization

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Review: Confinement, restriction of social contacts and movement in domestic horses

Léa Lansade, Elke Hartmann, Michela Minero, Alice Ruet

Published in 2024

Summary of the social and locomotor needs of horses. Their well-being is affected by inadequate housing conditions, such as isolation in individual stalls. It is recommended that horses be housed in stable groups, in enriched environments and with regular social contact, even when individually housed.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Equines

Keywords:Animal environment adaptation, Anxiety, Enrichment, Animal mediation, Housing, Socialization, Stress, Behavioral disorders, Working animals, Well-being indicator

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Social networks of pregnant gilts during outdoor feeding and the effects on their offspring

Leandro Sabei, Marisol Parada Sarmiento, Cihan Çakmakçı, Sharacely de Souza Farias, Thiago Bernardino, Rosangela Poletto, Erika Alejandra Becerra Mendez, Beatriz Kaori, Adroaldo José Zanella

Published in 2024

Study examining the social dynamics of gilts through pregnancy in an outdoor system, analyzing their feeding and social behaviors, and the effects of these dynamics on the group and their offspring. Results show links between social rank, salivary cortisol levels and piglet weight, highlighting the importance of integrating social behavior into management and genetic selection practices to improve pig welfare.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Porcines

Keywords:Aggression, Aggressivity, Indicator of well-being, Lactation, Maternal, Personality, Prenatal, Socialization

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Thoughtful or distant farmer: Exploring the influence of human-animal relationships on rabbit stress, behavior, and emotional responses in two distinct living environments

Manon Fetiveau, Davi Savietto, Andrew M Janczak, Laurence Fortun-Lamothe and Valérie Fillon

Published in 2024

Study showing that rabbits living in simple environments or benefiting from positive human interaction displayed more exploratory and interested behaviors towards humans. The quality of the human-animal relationship and the environment influenced their welfare, with no significant difference in physiological stress.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories:Monogastric

Keywords:Animal-based measurement, Enrichment, Housing, Living environment, Human-animal relationship, Socialization, Stress

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Enhancing Welfare for Aquarium Fishes with an Ecologically Relevant Environment

Paul Rose

Published in 2024

Article highlighting the importance of better understanding the biology and behavior of domestic fish in order to provide them with appropriate care when raised in aquariums.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Fish

Key words:Adaptation of the environment to the animal, Enrichment, Housing, Living environment, Socialization

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The effect of duration of ownership and time spent together during the day on cat owners' level of understanding of cats' body language

Abdurrahman Köseman, Ibrahim Şeker, Abdulsamed Erez, Şenol Koşan

Published in 2024

Study revealing that cat owners do understand some of their cats' body postures, but with limited accuracy. Female graduates, aged 21 to 40, who spent 1 to 5 hours a day with their cats, were best able to understand the latters' body language. However,the study showed that having owned their cats for a long time and spent long periods of time together were not enough to ensure that owners correctly understood their cats' body language.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Felines

Keywords:Animal-based measurement, Anxiety, Education, Living environment, Personality, Fear, Human-animal relationship, Socialization, Stress, Behavioral disorders

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Neigh-bours: Why every young horse needs good friends. A pilot study during the breaking-in period

Anna Flamand, Cheyenne Zellenka, Juliette Mos, Audrey Starczan, Aurélien Polak, Odile Petit

Published in 2024

Study showing that young horses benefiting from daily social interaction during breaking-in show less abnormal behavior and stress than those isolated in individual stalls. The routine integration of social contact improves the welfare and relaxation of horses during training, suggesting that this feature could be beneficial in equestrian centers.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Equines

Keywords:Animal-based measurement, Animalhousing, Animal mediation, Animal buildings, Enrichment, Animal welfare indicators, Human-animal relationship, Socialization, Stress, Behavioral disorders, Working animals.

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Review - Relational enrichment in ruminants and equines

Xavier Boivin, Ruth Newberry

Published in 2024

Review exploring relational enrichment in ruminants and equines, examining current husbandry practices such as group housing and human-animal interactions. It highlights the importance of social relationships for animal welfare and identifies gaps in research. The study suggests ways to improve these practices, emphasizing the crucial role of farmers in promoting positive human-animal relationships.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories:Cattle, Goats, Equines, Sheep

Keywords:Enrichment, Animalwelfare indicators, Human-animal relationship, Socialization

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Effects of different rooting materials on behaviour and welfare of finishing pigs

Ellen Marie Rosvold, Marko Ocepek, Inger Lise Andersen

Published in 2024

Scientific article comparing the effects of different foraging materials on pig behavior and welfare. The results suggest that straw and hay are highly valued by pigs compared with pellets, peat and sawdust, and that weekly rotation of materials provides the greatest stimulation. 

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Porcines

Key words:Adaptation of the environment to the animal, Aggression, Aggressiveness, Enrichment, Welfare indicators, Housing, Socialization, Behavioral disorders

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Effects of single- or pair-housing on the welfare of shelter dogs: Behavioral and physiological indicators

Hecker G, Martineau K, Scheskie M, Hammerslough R, Feuerbacher EN

Published in 2024

Scientific article reporting that dogs housed in pairs in shelters, even for a short time, exhibit fewer stress-related behaviors (lip licking, whining, and ears back) than dogs housed individually. In addition, the urinary cortisol:creatinine levels in non-isolated dogs were lower.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories:Canine

Keywords: Adoption, Animal-based measurement,Abandonment, Behavioral disorders, Housing, Socialization, Stress, Welfare indicators

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