Keyword : Human-animal relationships

Horses are worthy of care: Horse sector participants' attitudes towards animal sentience, welfare, and well-being

Julie M Fiedler, Margaret L Ayre, Sarah Rosanowski, Josh D Slater

Published in 2025

Analysis of surveys carried out among professionals in the equestrian sector, revealing widespread recognition of equine sentience (99.9% of respondents). Two themes emerge: sentience is a pathway to understanding the mental state, welfare and well-being of horses, and humans have a moral obligation to consider it.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Equines

Keywords: Animal mediation, Consciousness, Education, Human-animal relationship, Indicator of well-being,Working animals

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Assessing the impact of a human behaviour change intervention to reduce owner-related barriers to interactive cat play

Mikel Delgado, Ellen Marcinkiewicz, Paul Rhodes, Sarah LH Ellis

Published in 2025

Surveys conducted before and after a digital educational campaign to encourage cat owners to play more often with their pets with a wand toy by removing or reducing several of the barriers identified in the COM-B model (capability, opportunity and motivation). Following the campaign, 35.3% of participants increased the frequency of play, and capability and motivational barriers were reduced, leading to a reduction in behavioral problems in their cats.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Felines

Keywords:Education, Enrichment, Human-animal relationship

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Soundboard-trained dogs produce non-accidental, non-random and non-imitative two-button combinations

Bastos, A.P.M., Houghton, Z.N., Naranjo, L., Rossano, F.

Published in 2024

Study suggesting that dogs' use of sound boards to produce words or phrases is neither random nor simply imitated, but could be intentional. Certain combinations of two-button concepts appear more frequently than chance, indicating possible communication by the dog via symbols.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories:Canine

Keywords: Learning, Training, Cognitive processes, Human-animal relationships

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The Interface of Caretaker and Animal Well-being As a Critical Component of Sustainability

Edwards-Callaway, L. N. & Sullivan, P. A.

Published in 2024

Study exploring welfare, both human and animal, as one of the pillars of sustainability in the farmed animal industry. This pillar is often neglected in favor of the environmental and economic pillars.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Bovines, Caprines, Equines, Ovines, Porcines, Poultry

Keywords:Animal adaptation to environment, Animal-based measurement, Societal issues, Environment, Welfare indicator, Living environment, One Welfare, Human-animal relationship, Stress, livestock farming systemBehavioral disorders

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Key Concepts for Enhancing Zoo Animal Welfare: Coping, Comfort, Choice, Control, Challenge, and Compassion

Rose, P. E., & Lewton, J.

Published in 2024

Synthetic overview exploring the application of welfare theory to zoo animals using key familiar indicators that promote adaptation, autonomy and positive cognitive challenges. A trained human husbandry approach based on compassion is essential to making welfare a core goal in zoos.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories:Wildlife

Key words:Adaptation of the animal to the environment, Adaptation of the environment to the animal, Learning, Enrichment, Housing, Human-animal relationship

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The human-animal relationship in zoo-housed mammals: Behavioral and physiological responses to visitor and keeper interactions

Domínguez-Oliva, A., Marcet-Rius, M., Gómez-Medina, C., Olmos-Hernández, A., Gutiérrez, Q., & Mota-Rojas, D.

Published in 2024

Study exploring the importance of positive human-animal interactions for various animal species housed in zoos, as well as welfare-enhancing strategies such as enrichment and positive reinforcement. Integrated into the Five Domains of Animal Welfare model, the human-animal relationship must be optimized to improve the emotional state of animals.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories:Wildlife

Keywords: Enrichment, Human-animal relationships

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The beauty of the beast: Suggestions to curb the excesses of dog breeding and restore animal welfare - Invited review

C Diederich

Published in 2024

This magazine explores the history of the dog and the challenges faced by modern domestic dogs, who are often deprived of their basic needs. It analyzes the impact of breed standards, extreme breeding and dysfunctional human processes, while proposing solutions to improve their well-being.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories:Canine

Keywords:Animal adaptation to environment, Education, Evolutionary process, Human-animal relationship

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Effects of changing veterinary handling techniques on canine behaviour and physiology Part 2: Behavioural measurements

Squair C, Proudfoot K, Montelpare W, Doucette T, Overall KL

Published in 2024

Study comparing application of a stress-reducing protocol during veterinary visits with standard care for dogs. Dogs cared for under the protocol had lower clinical stress scores, particularly during weighing and physical examinations. These results highlight the value of simple interventions to improve animal welfare in veterinary contexts.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories:Canine

Keywords:Animal-based measurement, Anxiety, Fear, Human-animal relationship, Stress, Behavioral disorders

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Thoughtful or distant farmer: Exploring the influence of human-animal relationships on rabbit stress, behavior, and emotional responses in two distinct living environments

Manon Fetiveau, Davi Savietto, Andrew M Janczak, Laurence Fortun-Lamothe and Valérie Fillon

Published in 2024

Study showing that rabbits living in simple environments or benefiting from positive human interaction displayed more exploratory and interested behaviors towards humans. The quality of the human-animal relationship and the environment influenced their welfare, with no significant difference in physiological stress.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories:Monogastric

Keywords:Animal-based measurement, Enrichment, Housing, Living environment, Human-animal relationship, Socialization, Stress

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On your terms or mine: pigs' response to imposed gentle tactile contact vs. free form interaction with a familiar human

Truong, S., Schmitt, O. & Rault, JL.

Published in 2024

Scientific article showing that positive interactions between humans and animals differ according to whether they are free or imposed by humans.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Porcines

Keywords:Animal-based measurement, Fear, Human-animal relationship, Vocalisation

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