Keyword: One Welfare

The Interface of Caretaker and Animal Well-being As a Critical Component of Sustainability

Edwards-Callaway, L. N. & Sullivan, P. A.

Published in 2024

Study exploring welfare, both human and animal, as one of the pillars of sustainability in the farmed animal industry. This pillar is often neglected in favor of the environmental and economic pillars.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Bovines, Caprines, Equines, Ovines, Porcines, Poultry

Keywords:Animal adaptation to environment, Animal-based measurement, Societal issues, Environment, Welfare indicator, Living environment, One Welfare, Human-animal relationship, Stress, livestock farming systemBehavioral disorders

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Retours d’expérience sur la verraterie liberté

Brittany Chamber of Agriculture

Published in 2024

Results of a survey carried out in Brittany on free-range sow management practices in the insemination period identifying three main strategies: LIBIA (confinement from weaning until completion of insemination, then group housing), LIBSEVIA (group housing from weaning, temporary confinement  for insemination period, followed by rapid release), and LIBSEV (group housing of sows from weaning with temporary confinement for each AI). Each method has its advantages, necessary precautions and points to watch out for.

Document types: Technical Paper

Animal categories: Porcines

Key words:Barn, Housing, Restraint equipment, Maternal, One Welfare

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A Review of Animal-Based Welfare Indicators for Calves and Cattle

Harris, S.; Shallcrass, M.; Cohen, S.

Published in 2024

Study of calf and cattle welfare indicators, which are classified as behavioral, physiological or physical, and rated for effectiveness, cost and ease of use. These indicators can be used to assess the health and emotional state of a herd. They are also a useful framework for research and welfare improvement in cattle production to meet societal expectations. 

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Bovines

Keywords:Animal adaptation to environment, Animal-based measurement, Welfare indicator, One Welfare

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Human-computer interactions with farm animals-enhancing welfare through precision livestock farming and artificial intelligence

Neethirajan S, Scott S, Mancini C, Boivin X, Strand E.

Published in 2024

Scientific synthesis exploring the potential of animal-computer interactions (ACI) to improve the individual welfare of farm animals, particularly in the context of precision farming and artificial intelligence.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories:Cattle, Pigs, Poultry

Keywords:Animal adaptation to environment, Animal-based measurement, Animal housing, Precision farming, Identification, Welfare indicators, Housing, Modeling, One Welfare, livestock farming systemBehavioral disorders

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Discourses on Positive Animal Welfare by Sheep Farmers and Industry Actors: Implications for Science and Communication

Muhammad, M., Stokes, J.E., Manning, L., Huang, I.Y.

Published in 2024

Qualitative study examining sheep farmers' understanding of the concept of positive animal welfare in the UK. Findings highlight the importance of practical indicators and improved knowledge dissemination strategies to align practices and discourses.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Ovines

Keywords:Animal-based measurement, Education, Welfare indicator, One Welfare

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Published in 2024

RENOUVEAU end of project webinar slides. The webinar included various speakers on the project's finidngs and what the future holds for the French veal industry.

Document Types: Technical review

Animal categories: Bovines

Keywords: Carcass quality,Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, livestock farming systemCarcass quality, Processing

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Review: Space allowance for growing pigs: animal welfare, performance and on-farm practicality

K.L. Chidgey

Published in 2024

Scientific synthesis exploring the scientific basis of the most common approaches to determining minimum space allowances for growing pigs, and examining the various factors that influence and interact with their spatial needs and affective states.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Porcines

Key words:Adaptation of the environment to the animal, Livestock buildings, Enrichment, Welfare indicators, Housing, Living environment, One Welfare, Resilience, Robustness, livestock farming system

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The Welfare of Dogs and Cats in the European Union: A Gap Analysis of the Current Legal Framework

Contalbrigo, L.; Normando, S.; Bassan, E.; Mutinelli, F.

Published in 2024

Analytical article raising the issue of pet welfare not covered by European legislation, such as ethical breeding, sales, transport and end-of-life care. It concludes that a transdisciplinary approach and better education in responsible pet ownership are essential to improve pet protection via a harmonized legal framework.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Canines, Felines

Keywords:Abandonment, Adoption, Castration, Euthanasia, End of life, Abuse, Living environment, One Welfare, Spaying, Aging, Animal trade

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Etude de cas – Norsk Kylling pionniers du bien-être animal et d’une production de poulets durable


Published in 2024

Case study on how Norwegian producer Norsk Kylling has adapted its chicken production to comply with the European Chicken Commitment (ECC) criteria, combining  profitability, animal welfare and sustainability. The measures described include lower stocking densities, slower-growing breeds and more humane slaughter methods.

Document Types: Guides to Good Practice

Animal categories: Poultry

Key words:Adapting the environment to the animal, Livestock buildings, Societal issues, Environment, Housing, Living environment, One Welfare, Carcass quality, livestock farming systemCarcass quality, Transport

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One Health Approach to Rabbit Farming: Balancing Act between Environmental Impact, Farmers Livelihood, and Animal Welfare

Ibikunle Funso Olaleru, Ibukun Oluwatobi Busari and Olorunfunmi Isimioluwa Solana

Published in 2024

Book chapter describing rabbit farming as a sustainable solution to meeting demand for meat while having a low environmental impact, thanks to the feed conversion efficiency and low land and resource requirements of rabbits. However, challenges include the need to ensure adequate space to avoid stress and health problems and to guarantee animal welfare.

Document Types: Scientific work

Animal categories:Monogastric

Keywords: Environment, Housing, One Welfare, Pollution,Societal issues, livestock farming system

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