Keyword : Human-animal relationships

La gouvernance de la santé animale : entre biosécurité et bien public mondial

Muriel Figuié

Published in 2021

Scientific review of policies on animal health showing that they combine what are sometimes contradictory goals of public health, agricultural economics, international trade and animal welfare, and that this subject is now treated as a biosecurity matter and a global public good, with the emergence of the One Health concept.

Document Types: Scientific review

Keywords:Societal issues, Risk management, Human-animal relationships

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Recognizing and Mitigating Canine Stress during Animal Assisted Interventions

Lisa Townsend, Nancy R. Gee

Published in 2021

A scientific review of the contextual factors (human behaviour and types of intervention), that may affect the welfare of dogs during animal-assisted therapies. It makes recommendations to better identify and rectify situations where the welfare of dogs is compromised during these interventions.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories:Canine

Keywords:Adaptation of the animal to the environment, Human-animal relationships, Stress

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Two Domains to Five: Advancing Veterinary Duty of Care to Fulfil Public Expectations of Animal Welfare Expertise

Katherine E. Littlewood, Ngaio J. Beausoleil

Published in 2021

A scientific review of the role of veterinarians in addressing animal welfare. While the veterinary profession initially considered welfare from the perspective of health and nutrition, it is now considering it in a more holistic way, taking into account the animal's feelings and perceptions of its environment. Much is expected of the veterinary profession, which is ideally placed to improve the consideration taken of animal welfare.

Document Types: Scientific review

Keywords: Societal issues, Welfare indicators, Human-animal relationships

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Instruction technique DGAL/SDSanimal welfare/2021-900 – Plan de soutien à l’accueil des animaux abandonnés et en fin de vie – volet B (mesure 4 – Axe 2 « Agriculture, alimentation, forêt » du plan de relance)

French Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Published in 2021

Technical advisory note specifying the practical procedures for opening local calls for projects and for examining the applications received in light of the renewed funding of measure 4B of the French recovery plan "support for local projects run by animal protection associations".

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Keywords:Societal issues, Human-animal relationships, Stress

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LOI n° 2021-1539 du 30 novembre 2021 visant à lutter contre la maltraitance animale et conforter le lien entre les animaux et les hommes

President of the Republic

Published in 2021

Full text of the Animal Abuse Control Act passed on 30 November 2021.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Keywords:Societal issues, Human-animal relationships, Stress

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Animal welfare: a shift from live to meat-and-carcass transport

Gediminas Vilkas

Published in 2021

Press release presenting the results of the European Parliament's Committee of Inquiry into the protection of animals during transport. The committee recognised that EU rules on the protection of animals during transport are not always respected and that the welfare needs of animals during transport are not always met. It recommends limiting and better monitoring the export of live animals, developing meat-and-carcass transport and banning the transport of very young animals.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Bovines, Caprines, Equines, Ovines, Porcines, Poultry

Keywords:Societal issues, Human-animal relationships, Stress, Transport

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ChickenTrack - Rapport européen 2021

CIWF France

Published in 2021

The CIWF's first ChickenTrack 2021 report, an EggTrack-based tool to track the progress of major food companies that have signed up to the Better Chicken Commitment to improve broiler welfare in, for example, the reduction of stocking densities, environmental enrichment, and the raising of slower-growing strains.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Poultry

Keywords:Adaptation of the environment to the animal, Enrichment, Housing, Human-animal relationships, Societal issues

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EggTrack - Rapport 2021

CIWF France

Published in 2021

The CIWF's EggTrack 2021 report, tracking the progress made by major food companies in addressing the welfare of laying hens. It notes real progress towards cage-free rearing across the world, and the efforts made in France to provide access to the outdoors and to create winter gardens.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Poultry

Keywords:Adaptation of the environment to the animal, Enrichment, Housing, Human-animal relationships, Societal issues

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RSPCA welfare standards for farmed Atlantic salmon


Published in 2021

Good practice guidance developed by the RSPCA based on the 5 freedoms and current scientific knowledge of the needs of farmed salmon. It recognises the existence of knowledge gaps and therefore advises farmers to adopt an attitude of continuous improvement rather than relying strictly on these standards, developed at a particular moment in time.

Document Types: Guides to Good Practice

Animal categories: Fish

Keywords:Adaptation of the animal to the environment, Adaptation of the environment to the animal, Pain, Societal issues, Enrichment, Housing, Human-animal relationships, Stress, Breeding and rearing system

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Stress-Related Behaviors in Companion Dogs Exposed to Common Household Noises, and Owners' Interpretations of Their Dogs' Behaviors

Emma K. Grigg, Juliann Chou, Emily Parker, Anwyn Gatesy-Davis, Sara T. Clarkson, Lynette A. Hart

Published in 2021

Scientific article highlighting that some owners underestimate their dog's fear in response to household noise and respond inappropriately. It advises that dog owners should be better educated to interpret their pets' body language correctly, in order to safeguard the latter's welfare and avoid the development of behavioural problems.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories:Canine

Keywords:Animal-based measurement, Anxiety, Welfare indicators, Living environment, Human-animal relationships, Stress, Psychiatric disorders

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