Keyword: Pathogen transfer

Reptile expos: an analysis and recommendations for control

Clifford Warwick, Catrina Steedman, Mike Jessop, Rachel Grant

Published in 2024

Analysis of a survey of those involved in the trading or exhibition of reptiles in Europe and the United States. At least 10 animal welfare issues and 5 public health and safety issues identified in the survey lead its authors to conclude that the lack of monitoring and control at reptile shows, combined with their frequency, necessitate a ban on these events.

Document Types: Scientific review

Pet categories:NAC, Reptiles

Keywords:Abandonment, Adoption, Animal trade, Education, Ill-treatment, Pathogen transfer

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L’élevage porcin en systèmes alternatifs : atouts et défis en termes de bien-être animal, biosécurité, santé animale et sécurité sanitaire

Maxime Delsart, Françoise Pol, Barbara Dufour, Nicolas Rose, Christelle Fablet

Published in 2023

Article presenting the advantages and disadvantages of alternative pig farming systems in terms of animal welfare, biosecurity, animal health and public health challenges.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Porcines

Keywords:Environment, Living environment, One Welfare, Resilience, Robustness, Farming system, Pathogen transfer

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Impact of palmiped farm density on the resilience of the poultry sector to highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 in France

Billy Bauzile, Benoit Durand, Sébastien Lambert, Séverine Rautureau, Lisa Fourtune, Claire Guinat, Alessio Andronico, Simon Cauchemez, Mathilde C. Paul, Timothée Vergne

Published in 2023

Scientific article on the development of a model of the 2016-2017 avian influenza epidemic to show that even a slight reduction in the density of palmiped farms in the most densely populated areas would have considerably reduced the number of poultry farms affected. However, this measure would not have been sufficient to completely prevent the spread of the virus.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Poultry

Keywords: Environment, Pathogen transfer,Societal issues

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SECURIVO : L’essentiel de la biosécurité en élevage de veaux de boucherie

Magdéléna Chanteperdrix (Institut de l'Elevage), Marie Drouet (Institut de l'Elevage), Béatrice Mounaix (Institut de l'Elevage), Manuel Tourtier (AGESEM), David Le Goïc (SNGTV), Corinne Jaureguy (SNGTV), Philippe Briand (C.A. Ille et Vilaine (35)), Manon Coupin (Chamber of Agriculture Pays de la Loire), Anne Hemonic (IFIP), Nathalie Rousset (ITAVI)

Published in 2022

Dossier providing definitions of biosecurity, providing 10 technical sheets to help veal calf farmers improve biosecurity levels on their farms, and setting out the mandatory and recommended measures for each topic area.

Document Types: Guides to Good Practice

Animal categories: Bovines

Keywords:Environment, Risk management, Pathogen transfer

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Animal Welfare and Resistance to Disease: Interaction of Affective States and the Immune System

Sandra Düpjan, Marian Stamp Dawkins

Published in 2022

A perspective article reviewing the scientific literature on the links between the brain, the gut microbiome, immunity and animal welfare. It highlights the importance of good welfare as a way to prevent disease, and sets out the mechanisms by which high levels of welfare can directly affect disease resistance.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: All animals

Keywords:Risk management, Human-animal relationships, Pathogen transfer

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Centennial Review: A revisiting of hen welfare and egg safety consequences of mandatory outdoor access for organic egg production

Peter S. Holt

Published in 2021

A scientific review comparing the welfare of laying hens and the sanitary quality of their eggs in free-range and indoor systems. It concludes that diseases are more frequent and severe and that there is a greater risk of Salmonella infections and the contamination of eggs by toxic industrial by-products in hens with access to the outdoors.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Poultry

Keywords:Societal issues, Risk management, Housing, Living environment, Breeding and rearing systems, Pathogen transfer

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Préparation complète des broutards : Un levier pour diminuer la fréquence des maladies respiratoires ?

Elise Vanberg, Marlène Guiadeur, Béatrice Mounaix

Published in 2021

Technical factsheet setting out an experimental protocol to prepare grazers, the measurable technical benefits, particularly in terms of health, reduction of stress, and weight gain, and the opinions of those working in the sector.

Document Types: Technical review

Animal categories: Bovines

Keywords:Antibiotic resistance, Housing, Livestock housing, Breeding and rearing system, Pathogen transfer

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Animal Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and the Welfare of Animals during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Kimberly Ekstrand, Amanda J. Flanagan, Ilyan E. Lin, Brendon Vejseli, Allicyn Cole, Anna P. Lally, Robert L. Morris, Kathleen N. Morgan

Published in 2021

Scientific review of the levels of susceptibility to the Covid-19 virus of various animal species that have contact with humans. Dogs and pigs appear to have low susceptibility levels. Ferrets, mink, some hamster species, cats and non-human primates show high susceptibility levels.

Document Types: Scientific review

Keywords:Societal issues, Human-animal relationships, Pathogen transfer

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