Keyword : Processing

Consumers' willingness-to-pay for dairy and plant-based milk alternatives towards sustainable dairy: A scoping review

Pamela Madududu, Damien Jourdain, Duc Tran, Margo Degieter, Selma Karuaihe, Herbert Ntuli, Hans De Steur

Published in 2024

Study showing that consumers' willingness to pay for alternatives to dairy products varies according to region and socio-economic factors. It calls for global multilevel strategies to be developed for sustainable dairy production.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Bovines

Key word:Education, Environment, Lactation, Societal issues, livestock farming systemTransformation

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Published in 2024

RENOUVEAU end of project webinar slides. The webinar included various speakers on the project's finidngs and what the future holds for the French veal industry.

Document Types: Technical review

Animal categories: Bovines

Keywords: Carcass quality,Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, Carcass quality, livestock farming systemCarcass quality, Processing

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Actualités Règlementation – Application de la règlementation bien-être animal lors de l’abattage, prenant en compte les spécificités des petits abattoirs de volailles et lagomorphes

RMT Alimentation locale

Published in 2024

Conclusions du travail du réseau mixte technologique Alimentation locale concernant la justification de l’application du règlement européen sur la protection des animaux au moment de leur mise à mort dans les petits abattoirs volailles et lagomorphes. Plus spécifiquement, la formation exigée d’un Responsable de la Protection Animale en petits abattoirs (< 150 000 oiseaux) semble disproportionnée. Une instruction technique de la DGAL pour mieux cadrer cela devrait être publiée courant 2024.

Document types: Technical Paper

Animal categories: Poultry

Keywords:Animal trade, Euthanasia, Processing, Transport

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European Parliament: written answer to question E-001190/2024: Use of eggs in processed foods - a level playing field

Question: Tom Vandenkendelaere (PPE). Answer: Mrs Kyriakides on behalf of the European Commission

Published in 2024

Answer from the European Commission to an MEP's question on the provenance of eggs used in processed products and the tightening of regulations on the accurate labelling of these products.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Poultry

Keywords:Livestock buildings, Identification, Housing, Livestock system, Processing

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Consumers across five European countries prioritise animal welfare above environmental sustainability when buying meat and dairy products

Jeanine Ammann, Gabriele Mack, Nadja El Benni, Shan Jin, Paul Newell-Price, Sophie Tindale, Erik Hunter, Victoria Vicario-Modroño, Rosa Gallardo-Cobos, Pedro Sánchez-Zamora, Simona Miškolci, Lynn J. Frewer

Published in 2024

Analysis of a survey among meat and dairy consumers in five European countries showing that freshness, quality/taste and animal welfare are the characteristics considered to be most important. Environmental factors such as food miles, carbon footprints and organic production appear to bew less important, even if they are perceived as useful.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories:Bovines, Ovines, Porcines, Poultry

Keywords:Education, Carcass quality, Environment, Carcass quality, Pollution, Livestock system, Welfare indicators, Processing, Societal issues

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Immunocastrer les porcs, qu’en pensent les consommateurs ?

Leroux M, Hémonic A, Tallet C

Published in 2024

Survey results showing that the provision to consumers of information on the technique of  immunocastration for pigs (as an alternative to castration) counters any reluctance they feel to buy this type of product.

Document types: Technical Paper

Animal categories: Porcines

Keywords:Castration, Pain, Education, Mutilation, Carcass quality, Sterilization, Processing

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Assemblée nationale : réponse écrite à la question n°15271 : Contrôle des abattoirs

Question: Jorys Bovet (Rassemblement National - Allier). Answer: French Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty.

Published in 2024

Answer from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty to a question from a Member of Parliament concerning the role and number of veterinarians in charge of controls in French abattoirs.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Bovines, Caprines, Ovines, Porcines, Poultry

Key words:Pain, Euthanasia, Abuse, Mutilation, Transformation

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Every step you take: Nudging animal welfare product purchases in a virtual supermarket

Nina Weingarten, Leonie Bach, Jutta Roosen, Monika Hartmann

Published in 2024

Scientific article analyzing the behavior of German consumers in a virtual supermarket where shelves featuring products produced according to animal welfare standards were made prominent using visual marketing techniques (footprints on the floor and banners). Marketing influenced the behavior of meat, milk and egg consumers, and sales of animal-welfare compliant products doubled in the compared with the control group.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories:Bovines, Ovines, Porcines, Poultry

Key words:Identification, Processing

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Animal welfare at German abattoirs: insights into the occurrence of violations against laws and regulations from official veterinarians and judicial decisions

Stephanie Janet Schneidewind, Susann Langforth, Diana Meemken

Published in 2024

Analysis of a survey on the occurrence of various animal welfare violations in German abattoirs. Offences reported and penalized mainly concerned the use of prohibited driving aids, lack of care, and improper restraint, stunning and bleeding. The authors suggest that official veterinarians should carry out closer monitoring of compliance with the legislation for these specific situations and that the training of abattoir staff should be improved.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories:Bovines, Ovines, Porcines, Poultry

Key words:Pain, Euthanasia, Abuse, Mutilation, Transformation

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Assemblée nationale : réponse écrite à la question n°15015 : Conditions de mise à mort des animaux dans les abattoirs

Question: Béatrice Roullaud (Rassemblement National - Seine-et-Marne). Answer: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty.

Published in 2024

Answer from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty to a question from a member of parliament on the conditions under which animals are killed in abattoirs, and the measures the government intends to take to ensure effective controls by veterinary services and compliance with current regulations. The presence of an animal welfare officer in each abattoir must also be confirmed.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories:Bovines, Ovines, Porcines, Poultry

Key words:Pain, Euthanasia, Abuse, Mutilation, Transformation

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