Keyword : Human-animal relationships

European Parliament: written answer to question E-002217/23: Protection of Equidae

Question: Maria Spyraki (PPE). Answer: Protection of Equidae

Published in 2023

Answer to a question concerning the information available to the European Commission on the abuse of working equids in Member States, particularly in Greece, and its intentions to increase measures to combat equid abuse. 

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Equines

Keywords:Animal adaptation to the environment, Societal issues, abuse, Human-animal relationship

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European Parliament: Written answer to Question P-002279/23: Violence against companion animals in Bulgaria

Question: Emil Radev (EPP), Andrey Novakov (EPP), Andrey Kovachev (EPP), Alexander Alexandrov Yordanov (EPP), Asim Ademov (EPP), Manuela Ripa (Greens/EFA), Heidi Hautala (Greens/EFA), Vlad Gheorghe (Renew), Elżbieta Kruk (ECR). Reply: Ms Kyriakides on behalf of the European Commission.

Published in 2023

Answer to a question on whether the European Commission intends to propose specific regulations on the welfare of companion animals, what measures already exist on this subject, and whether it has any information concerning the financial resources allocated to the construction and maintenance of shelters.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Canines, Felines

Keywords: Adoption,Abandonment, Human-animal relationship, Abuse, Societal issues

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Synthèse « Le statut juridique des animaux en France : Quelles évolutions ? Quelles répercussions pour l’élevage ? »

French Academy of Agriculture

Published in 2023

Synthesis of the outputs of a working group of the French Academy of Agriculture. It underlines that Western societies are seeking a balance between animal welfare and the economic uses of animals. Various legal scenarios have been explored, three of which appear compatible with livestock farming needs while recognizing animal sentience. It stresses the importance of raising public awareness of the implications of these legal developments and emphasizes the duties of human beings towards animals.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: All animals

Keywords:Societal issues, One Welfare, Human-animal relationships

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European Parliament: Written answer to Question E-002073/23: Promoting animal abuse to minors 

Question: Miguel Urbán Crespo (The Left). Answer: Vice-President Šuica on behalf of the European Commission

Published in 2023

Answer to a question on the European Commission's intentions regarding the participation of children under the age of 18 in bullfights, either as bullfighters or as spectators.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Bovines

Keywords:Adaptation of the nimal  to the environment, Education, Societal issues, Human-animal relationships

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Animal welfare of embryos and newly hatched chicks: A review

Itallo C. S. Arraujo, Tainá S. B. Lopes, Leonardo J. C. Lara, Bruno T. A. Costa

Published in 2023

Scientific review identifying egg storage, in ovo nutrition and the slaughter of 1-day-old male chicks as the main welfare problems in hatcheries, and describing practical avenues for improvements that can meet societal expectations.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: Poultry

Keywords:Animal adaptation to the environment, Consciousness, Pain, Societal issues, Prenatal, Human-animal relationships,  livestock farming systems

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Review: Towards an integrated concept of animal welfare

I. Reimert, L.E. Webb, M.A. van Marwijk, J.E. Bolhuis

Published in 2023

Scientific review setting out the history of the scientific study of animal welfare, and proposing that scientists in this field should specify the definition of animal welfare on which they base their work, the level at which their  assessment is carried out, the assumptions they rely on to measure welfare, and the period on which they focus, in order to enable comparison between studies.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories: All animals

Keywords:Consciousness, Pain, Societal issues, Welfare indicators, Human-animal relationships

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A two-stage recognition method based on deep learning for sheep behavior

Zishuo Gu, Haoyu Zhang, Zhiqiang He, Kai Niu

Published in 2023

Scientific article on a method to detect sheep behavior based on deep learning. It recognizes six types of sheep behavior, three corresponding to normal physiological activities (standing, feeding and lying down) and three behaviors considered to be disruptive (attacking, biting and climbing) that require immediate action from the farmer.

Document Types: Scientific paper

Animal categories: Ovines

Keywords:Animal-based measurement, Precision farming, Welfare indicator, Human-animal relationship

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The Role of Preventative Medicine Programs in Animal Welfare and Wellbeing in Zoological Institutions

Paolo Martelli, Karthiyani Krishnasamy

Published in 2023

Scientific review highlighting the fact that the usual animal welfare paradigms do not apply to animals in zoos, particularly when the animals are undergoing veterinary treatment. In such circumstances, the animals' physiology and behavior are deregulated, and freedom of choice and comfort are limited. The authors propose that a distinction should be made between the state of well-being experienced by the animal (well-being) and the societal management of animal welfare (welfare), and to base the wefare management of zoo and aquarium animals on preventive medicine.

Document Types: Scientific review

Animal categories:Wildlife, Fish

Keywords:Animal adaptation to environment, Animal-based measurements, Societal issues, Welfare indicators, Living environment, Human-animal relationships

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European Parliament: written answer to question P-002012/23: Additional measures during animal transportation this summer

Question: Anja Hazekamp (The Left). Answer: Ms Kyriakides on behalf of the European Commission

Published in 2023

Answer to a question on how the European Commission intends to apply the regulations banning the transport of live animals when temperatures exceed specified thresholds, and whether it intends to carry out additional temperature checks.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Bovines, Caprines, Equines, Ovines, Porcines, Poultry

Keywords:Societal issues, Human-animal relationships, Stress, Transport

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European Parliament: written answer to question E-001974/2023: Cat and dog welfare in transport

Question: Francisco Guerreiro (Greens/EFA). Answer: Ms Kyriakides on behalf of the European Commission

Published in 2023

Answer to a question on the European Commission's intentions concerning the introduction of specific requirements for dogs and cats during commercial transport, as part of the revision of European animal welfare regulations. It also concerns the welfare checks to be carried out on these animals to ensure their suitability for transport.

Document types: Regulation/Certification

Animal categories: Canines, Felines

Keywords:Animal trade, Societal issues, Human-animal relationships, Stress, Transport

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